2020 Hurricane Season Brings Opportunity to Drone Service Provider

Kyle Miller Avatar

Everyone is back in the office. Finally. After months of remote work, and trips to the office by certain personnel to carry out very specific tasks, all of us here at Censys are back better than ever. Ready to support our customers in more ways than ever. For those DSP’s that have had projects cancel left and right… we feel your pain. Your loss is our loss. Your gain is our gain. So, let’s talk about how to make a gain happen during these trying times.

As the world comes out of the death grip that COVID-19 had on normalcy, there remains one jarring realization: Analysts suggest this upcoming hurricane season will be stronger than years past. So, what can the industry do about it?

Last year after Hurricane Barry, Soaring Eagle Imaging, a VOSB out of Jackson MS filed for BVLOS permission under eCOA. This was granted in a few hours due to their relationships with local regulators, safety history, and hardware of choice… Censys Technologies Sentaero v2VTOL. They were able to gather 51 miles worth of Transmission ROW data in Louisiana in 6 hours’ time for a major utility in the area. Soaring Eagle Imaging gets TFR’s put in place for every one of their eCOA approvals. This mitigates the need for detect and avoid technology and remote visual observers.

The SGI/eCOA route is one that is rising in popularity and one that if the proper safety case is presented, can yield rapid data acquisition, expedited decision making for the utility, and extremely positive press for the drone service provider and potential long term, every day contracts down the road. This is a path towards a gain. A shorter, simpler, more affordable path towards long term relationships with major customer segments and future revenue streams.