LiDAR of Distribution Line ROW

Remote Sensing & Data Processing on the Edge


AI/ML Modeling Platform

From Sensor to Dashboards

How CensWise Works

VegCens Dashboard on Phone

01. Acquire

Consuming large amounts of sensor data including raw or compressed images and numerical outputs.

02. Analyze

Segmenting data sets into logical buckets for classification, assessment and evaluation utilizing deep learning.

03. Act

Algorithms are chained to produce automated AI models and generate intelligent outputs in many forms. 

The CensWise™ platform is a streamlined and simple to use computer vision modeling tool which enables subject matter experts to develop, deploy, and execute robust and accurate Artificial Intelligence models with limited data sets in as little as a few days. Whether collected from payloads on UAV’s, rail vehicles, or even fixed assets, all can benefit from Al/ML automation. CensWise™ Al/ML software improves asset intelligence, assessment and predictive maintenance by leveraging a wide range of sensor data, mobile and fixed, and automating the evaluation process in the cloud, on a server and even at the edge in real-time.

CensWise Edge Processing

Edge Processing

Edge processing revolutionizes data collection by enabling real-time analysis at the source, eliminating the need for extensive post-processing or cloud dependencies. By capturing and processing data directly onboard, operators gain immediate insights, enhancing decision-making speed and efficiency.

Cloud Processing

Cloud processing transforms raw data into actionable intelligence with speed and accuracy, optimizing decision-making for mission success. By offloading processing to the cloud, operators can access powerful computing resources that accelerate workflows, enhance collaboration, and provide seamless data storage and retrieval.

CensWise Cloud Processing

Building a Model

CensWise, our simple to use computer vision modeling tool enables subject matter experts to develop, deploy, and execute robust and accurate Artificial Intelligence models with limited data in a few days.

01. Research

Understand client goals and market trends through data gathering, consultations, and competitor analysis.

02. Plan

Define project scope, deliverables, timelines, and budget, creating a structured project plan with tasks and milestones.

03. Build

Transform the plan into reality through design, development, and testing to ensure functionality and usability.

04. Launch

Launch the project with client approval, providing training and support, and address ongoing maintenance and optimization as needed.

Find the Best Fit for You!




The target/subject is easy to observe with existing sensors and has a high volume of sample images to feed into the system for training.





Existing sensors provide adequate capture and resolution to detect but there are limited production examples of the proposed defect or anomaly.

Usage Based


Target/subject is difficult to capture and may require a specialized sensor type. There are extremely limited examples of the desired defect or anomaly.